August 22, 2024

Revolutionizing Customer Engagement: How Amino and Enghouse Networks Continue to Transform the Consumer Experience

Sandra Conejos; Amino Communications, VP Sales, Americas.

In today's fast-changing TV world, delivering a flawless consumer experience is more important than ever. TV providers are constantly under pressure to offer services that blend the familiarity of traditional TV with the exciting features of streaming platforms. This is where the strategic partnership between Amino and Enghouse Networks really comes into its own, providing operators with everything they need to meet these complex audience demands with ease.

Seamless Integration for a Superior Experience

The companies have teamed up to create a fully integrated solution that combines Amino's award-winning hardware and management software with Enghouse Network’s advanced EspialTV SaaS video platform. The result is a compelling operator-tier solution that not only allows TV providers to offer an engaging entertainment experience to their subscribers, but also keeps those subscribers within the TV operator’s own brand environment.

One of the best aspects of this collaboration is that the pre-integrated solution removes all the deployment headaches that operators often encounter. With a fully pre-certified application, Amino and Enghouse Networks make sure there are no surprises, hidden costs, or delays in deployment. Operators can start generating revenue faster and provide their customers with a reliable and enjoyable viewing experience from day one.

A Fully Supported, Managed Service

The reason this joint solution is proving so popular is because both Amino and Enghouse Networks know that operational efficiency is key to keeping costs low and customer satisfaction high. The reliable, managed solution combining Amino’s secure, sustainable devices with Engage service management and Enghouse Network’s analytics provides everything an operator needs to guarantee successful deployment with minimum-to-zero downtimes. This is all underpinned by Amino’s world-class technical support, which is arguably one of the best in the industry.  

Proven Success with Joint Customers

Since the pre-integrated Amino-Enghouse Network's EspialTV turnkey solution was first made available, these trusted brands have more than doubled their joint customer base. This is evidenced by their impressive roster of operator customers like Access Communications, Canadian Fiber, Conway Corporation, GTVC, Novus and TbayTel, to name a few.  

These operators are all benefitting from the full-featured Android TV experience made possible by the EspialTV SaaS video platform and sustainable Amino Amigo 7X devices. Subscribers get access to live TV, VOD, streaming apps, cloud DVR, Pause Live TV and the ease of using a familiar remote control. This all-in-one solution ensures that subscribers can enjoy their favourite content without any hassle.

Commitment to Long-Term Partnership

These two companies are dedicated to continuing their long-standing partnership and to keep on innovating and delivering value to operators and their subscribers. Their collaboration is built on trust, mutual investment and an unwavering commitment to making TV delivery to the home work seamlessly. Operators know that they can rely on a solution that not only meets current demands but is also ready for the future.


The enduring relationship between Amino and Enghouse Networks is a brilliant example of the power of collaboration in the TV industry. By combining their strengths, they provide operators with a turnkey solution that delivers quick revenue, an exceptional user experience, and delighted customers. You can read more about how they deliver this here

As the TV landscape keeps evolving, together we are perfectly positioned to help operators navigate the complexities and make it easy to deliver a superior consumer experience.

We have product availability through our well-known distributors, so if you want to discover how the Amino and Enghouse Networks partnership can rapidly transform your operations and delight your customers, find out how by contacting us at.